讲座内容:Family Control, Accounting Misstatements, and Market Reactions to Restatements: Evidence from China
讲座老师:马时光教授 澳大利亚卧龙岗大学
1.PhD (Tests of Informational Efficiency of China's Stock Market) 12/2000
School of Economics, University of Adelaide, Australia
(International Postgraduate Research Scholarship and University of Adelaide Postgraduate Research Award 1997 - 2000)
2. Masters of Economics/Commerce 07/1986
Department of Business Statistics, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin, P. R. China
3. Bachelor of Economics/Commerce 07/1983
Department of Accounting and Business Statistics, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin, P. R. China
1. Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ)
2. Chinese Economic Studies Australia (CESA)
3. Financial Institution of Australia (Finisa)
1.Lecturer 03/2008 - date
School of Accounting and Finance, University of Wollongong, Australia
2.Sessional Lecturer/Tutor 03/2007 - 12/2007
School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Deakin University, Australia
3.Postdoctoral Fellow 07/2003 - 02/2007
Department of Finance and Banking, School of Economics and Finance, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
4. Associate Lecturer (contract) 02/2003 - 07/2003
Department of Accounting and Finance, Monash University, Australia
5. Assistant Professor and Course Manager 02/2001 -12/ 2002
School of Professional and Continuous Education (SPACE), Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
6. Associate Professor, Director of Business Statistics Discipline 02/1992 - 01/1996
Department of Business Statistics, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin, P. R. China
7. Lecturer 08/1986 - 01/1992
Department of Business Statistics, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin, P. R. China
Senior Analyst, Deputy Manager 02/1996 - 02/1997
Department of Banking and Investment, Tianjin Northern International Trust and Investment Corp., Tianjin, P. R. China
Books/Book chapters
1. Shiguang Ma; Shiguang Ma is the editor and 8 out of 9 chapters’ contributor), 2004,The Efficiency of China’s Stock Market,
(book), Total 9 Chapters/286 pages, AshgatePublishing Ltd, Aldershot, UK. and Burlington, USA., ISBN: 0 07546 4241 0. This
book was awarded “The 2004 CBS Book of the Year” with $2,000 prize in CurtinUniversity of Technology.
2. Shiguang Ma, 2000, Emergence, Development and Perspective of China’s Stock Market, (Chapter) in China's trade and
investment after the Asia crisis, Ed.: Van Hoa Tran, page 56-89, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, U.K. and
Refereed journal articles:
1.Wenjuan Ruan, Gary Tian and Shiguang Ma, 2011, “Managerial Ownership, Capital Structure and Firm Value: Evidence from
China’s Civilian-run Firms”, Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal, Volume 5(3), (ERA ranking B).
2. Shiguang Ma, Tony Naughton and Gary Tian, 2010, “Ownership and Ownership Concentration: Which is Important in
Determining the Performance of China's Listed Firms?” Accounting and Finance, Volume 50 (4), 871 – 897. (ERA ranking A
when accepted, now ABDC ranking A and ERA ranking B).
3. Gary Tian and Shiguang Ma, 2010, Journal of Asian Pacific Economy, Volume 15 (4), 490 – 508. (ERA ranking A).
4. Shiguang Ma and Gary Tian, 2009, “Board Composition, Board Activity and Ownership Concentration, the Impact on Firm
Performance”, Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 7 (3), 42 – 61. (ERA ranking C)
5. Wenjuan Ruan, Gary Tian and Shiguang Ma, 2009, “Managerial Ownership, Capital Structure and Firm Value”, Corporate
Ownership and Control, Volume 7 (2), 71 – 82. (ERA ranking B)
6. Guo Fei and Shiguang Ma, 2009, “Related Lending, Evidence of Tunneling and Propping in China”, Corporate Ownership and
Control, Volume 7 (2), 173 – 188. (ERA ranking B)
7. Shiguang Ma and Robert Faff , 2007, “Market Condition and the Optimal IPO Allocation Procedures in China”, Pacific-Basin
Finance Journal, Volume 15 (2) 121 – 139, (ERA ranking A when published, now ABDC ranking A and ERA ranking B).
8. Shiguang Ma, 2007, “Information Asymmetry, Valuation Uncertainty and the Choice of IPO Allocation Procedure”, Applied
Financial Economics, Volume 17 (4), 271 – 284, (ERA ranking C).
9. Shiguang Ma, 2005, “Why Are the First Day Returns of China’s IPOs So High?” Conference proceeding of The 4th Global
Conference on Business and Economics, Oxford University. (no ranking).
Refereed international conference papers
1. Wenjuan Ruan, Shiguang Ma and Gary Tian, 2011 (June), “Debt Maturity Structure in Chinese Firms: Do Ownership
Controller and Bank Monitor Matter?”, 18thMultinational Finance Annual conference, Roma, Italy.
2. Feng Li, Shiguang Ma and Indra Abevsekera, 2010 (November), “Earnings Quality in Relation to Stress Level and Bankruptcy
Level of Chinese Listed Companies”, Global Development Finance annual conference, Cape Town, South Africa.
3. Shiguang Ma, Gary Tian and Tony Naughton, 2010 (June), “The Ownership and Ownership Concentration? The Impact on the
Performance of China’s Firms”, 17TH Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, Barcelona, Spain.
4. Feng Li, Indra Abevsekera and Shiguang Ma, 2010 (July), “Earnings Quality and Earning Management in Chinese Listed
Companies. Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Annual Conference, Christchurch,
New Zealand.
5. Yuqing Zhu, Gary Tian and Shiguang Ma, 2010 (April), Executive Compensation, Board Characteristics and Firm Performance
in China: the Impact of Compensation Committee, European Financial Management Symposium, Beijing, P. R. Chinal,
6. Shiguang Ma and Gary Tian, 2009 (June), “Board Composition, Board Activity and Ownership Concentration, the Impact on
Firm Performance”, Asian Finance Association (AsianFA) conference, 2005, June.
7. Gary Tian and Shiguang Ma, 2009 (June), “The effects of currency appreciation on share market return: ARDL approach”,
Asian Finance Association (AsianFA) conference, Brisbane.
8. Xiaofei Pan, Gary Tian, Shiguang Ma, Aelee Jun, Qingliang Tang, 2009 (June), “Managerial Compensation, Ownership
Structure and Firm Performance in China’s Listed Firms”, Asian Finance Association (AsianFA) conference, Brisbane.
9. Shiguang Ma, 2005 (July) “Market Condition and the Optimal IPO Allocation Mechanism”, Accounting and Finance
Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) annual conference, Melbourne, (After the conference the revised paper
was published in Pacific-Basin Finance Journal).
10. Shiguang Ma, 2005 (June), “Why Are the First Day Returns of China’s IPOs So High?”, The 4th Global Conference on
Business and Economics, Oxford, U.K., This paper is included in the Conference proceeding of The 4th Global Conference
on Business and Economics, pp. 1-21, Oxford University, Britain. Published by Association for Business & Economics
Research, Lynchburg, USA.
11. Shiguang Ma, 1999 (July), “Tests of Weak-form Efficiency on China’s Stock Market,” The 6th Asian Pacific Finance
Association Annual Conference, Melbourne.
Refereed national conference papers
2.Wenjun Ruan, Gary Tian and Shiguang Ma, 2009 (July), “Managerial Ownership, Capital Structure and Firm Value:
Evidence from Chinese Civilian-Run Firms”, Association for Chinese Economic Studies Australia (ACESA) annual
conference, Melbourne.
3.Shiguang Ma, 2006 (June), “Time Dependent, Information Asymmetry and Valuation Uncertainty, A Study on China’s IPO
Allocation Procedures”, Association for Chinese Economic Studies Australia (ACESA) annual conference, Melbourne.
4.Shiguang Ma and Michelle Barnes, 2003 (August), “The Behaviour of China’s Stock Price in Response to the Announcement
of Proposal and Approval of Bonus Issues”, System Conference on Financial Structure and Regulation, Federal Reserve Bank
of Boston, USA.
5.Shiguang Ma and Michelle Barnes, 2002 (August) “Are China’s Stock Market Really Weak-form Efficient?” System
Conference on Financial Structure and Regulation, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, USA.
6.Shiguang Ma, 1999 (December), “Efficiency and Seasonality of China’s Stock Market”, Ph.D. Conference in Economics and
Business, Perth. This paper was awarded a prize of “High-Quality Paper” in the conference.
Appendix (Publications in Chinese)
A.Books and Book chapters in Chinese
1.Two chapters to: Allocation and Utilisation of Gross Domestic Product, Ed.: Heng Xu, Tianjin Science and Technology
Publishing House, Tianjin, China, 1998.
2.Two chapters to: Capital and Investment, Ed.: Heng Xu, China Statistical Publishing House, Beijing, China, 1997.
3.Three chapters to: Statistics in Construction Industry, Ed.: Heng Xu, Bixia Xu and Shiguang Ma, Wuhan University Publishing
House, Wuhan, China, 1993.
4.One chapter to: New National Economic Accounting, Ed.: Yuanyun Zhao, China Statistical Publishing House, Beijing, China,
5.Three chapters to: Introduction to Social and Economic Statistics, Ed.: Heng Tong Zhou, China Statistical Publishing House,
Beijing, China, 1993.
6.One subsection to: Accounting and Statistics Dictionary of China's Enterprises, Ed.: Dong Chen and Yulin Yu, Xian Publishing
House, Xian, China, 1992.
7.Three chapters to: The Application of Input and Output Analysis in Industry, Ed.: Hongye Xiao, China Mechanics Engineering
Press, Beijing, China, 1991.
B. Refereed journal papers in Chinese
1.Shiguang Ma, 1997, “Market Regulation and Accounting System, Case Study of China’s Stock Market,” Modern Finance and
Economics, 4.
2.Shiguang Ma, 1996, “The Missions of Statistician in Market Economy,” Tianjin Economic Statistics, 2.
3.Shiguang Ma, Pangming Zhang and Qihua Wang, 1994, “Industrial Growth and Industrial Funds: An Analysis by Contrast,”
Modern Finance and Economics, Supplementary.
4.Shiguang Ma, 1993, “Arguments on Arrears between Enterprises,” Tianjin Economic Statistics, 3.
5.Shiguang Ma, 1993, “The Effects of Macroeconomic Policies in China,” Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and
Economics, 6.
6.Shiguang Ma, 1991 “Review of the Arguments on the Statistic Means,” Tianjin Economic Statistics, 3.
7.Shiguang Ma and Hongye Xiao, 1990, “Industrial Structure and Investment Strategy,” Productivity Research, 1.
8.Shiguang Ma, 1989, “How to Plan the Final Social Products,” Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, 4.
9.Shiguang Ma, 1987, “The Price Index Calculation of Building Products,” China's Statistics References, 2.
10.Shiguang Ma, 1986, “Discussion on the Building Products Price Index,” Statistics Research, 6.